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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Talk Like a Pirate Day...

Alright! Another National Talk Like a Pirate Day has come and gone and I didn't hear nearly enough bad pirate accents!

Every year I remind people ahead of time... I call and text friends with obnoxious piratey slogans (and threats)... I go to work and spout off all kinds of verbal diarrhea tinted with pirate slang... And unless I happen to actually be wearing a pirate hat, all I get are confused looks.

I swear I can read the faces. "Is he alright?", "Oh my, you are a little touched aren't you?" and my personal favorite look, "Ahh... You are one of those people..."

Come on folks! This happens every year! I know for a fact that I am not the only one participating in these festivities! Relax and have some fun for fucks sake!

Let me break this down into the simplest terms I can.

What I am really saying is this:

Everyone, at one time or another in their lives, loves pirates. You may outgrow it and not really consider it your thing any more but if you ever find someone who can swear that they have never once enjoyed something piratey then they are either liars or have led a wasted life and have a serious problem. Therefore, it is your duty as a good and decent human being to FIX IT!

In other words...

Loosen up, relax, have some fun and, for the love of all that is good in the world, embrace that miraculously childlike bit of your Self you keep denying and talk like a gods-damned Pirate!

Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates.
-Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain-

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I was listening to the radio today in the car and the DJ was talking like a pirate (well, actually he would speak normally and then go "Argghhh!" after every sentence) and I had no idea why! I had no idea there was a National Pirate Day! I was a pirate many times for Halloween (that and a hobo - just remove eye patch and tie head scarf into a sling on a stick and presto - pirate to hobo in 2 minutes flat!) My mom also used to smear cigarette ash on my face for a beard for each costume...ah, I miss the care free days of the 80's.
    I agree with you; if you aren't laughing, a lot, throughout your day, you aren't living. Good for you!
